PodCulture 329: Technobabbling – Part A
Welcome to PodCulture! We’re a trio of geeks today, sans Adam, while he vacations! Glenn has been playing Ghost Recon Future Soldier and has joined Battlefield 3 Premium. He is…
Equal Opportunity Geekness
Welcome to PodCulture! We’re a trio of geeks today, sans Adam, while he vacations! Glenn has been playing Ghost Recon Future Soldier and has joined Battlefield 3 Premium. He is…
Welcome back to Tardis Interruptus! Richard had to step out at intermission, but Nick, Brad and Christina return to discuss the last half of Christopher Eccleston’s reign. They begin with…
Welcome to Tardis Interruptus! Nick opens, introducing that the topic of this week’s episode is the Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. He explains how he became a Whovian, sharing the similarities…
Welcome back to the second part of PodCulture! Glenn gets Guilty with Godzilla Vs. Megalon! At Wonderfest last year, the Chancellor of Cheese unearthed this gem. This year, he picked…