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Brad talks about Arrow, both versions of and Being Human. They talk about the dark episode of Castle, and the exemplary acting of Nathan Fillion. Christina enjoyed seeing John Hannah on Elementary and votes for James Calis as Moriarty. They watched Blood and Chrome, while Brad and Adam speak on the effects and callbacks to the classic series. They have been watching Hawaii Five-O, Justified and Once Upon A Time. Brad talks about Primeval New World and Christina is thrilled to see Andrew Lee Potts reprise his role of Conner. They talk about the six degrees of Primeval, linking many of their other favorite shows. Everyone wonders when Revolution comes back. Big Bang Theory is redeeming itself after a bumpy start of the season. Christina talks about the brilliance of Stephen Rae in Utopia, and hopes the second series is in the making. Everything on tv looks like it’s coming back in March. Brad recommends watching Outcasts and The British Invaders Podcast episode featuring it.

Geek Cuisine Sponch! Brad looks the definition up on Urban Dictionary for this fluffy confectionery.

The listener question of the week is from Brian, “What character has the best arc”. The gang lists off some of theirs and then reads some responses from Billy, Mike, Tony, Brian, Matt and Chuck. Christina poses the question about good guys gone bad.

In close, Glenn talks about his and Carly’s screenplay and looks forward to Black Ops 2. Adam will be getting the new DLC for Halo 4, and continues Mech Warrior. Christina is saddened that Rock Band is ceasing it releasing of new content. Brad will be enjoying his 360 controller on the PC to play DC Universe. Glenn talks about new app, FX Guru, and Brad looks forward to his Android OUYA.

Music this week includes Beatnik Turtle’s “Big Strong Man” and “Johnny Jump Up”, from their album Sham Rock. The promo this week comes graciously from The British Invaders Podcast.

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By Brad

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