Welcome to a two part TARDIS Interruptus After Show.

In the first part, Andy joins Brad and Christina to give his perspective on The Hobbitt. He began by teaching his class the first six chapters and then took them all to see film. Brad doesn’t know how they’ll make a trilogy of films out of the shortest of the Tolkien books, and Andy explains about the Silmarillion fleshing out the story. The trio talks about Sylvester McCoy’s Radagast role and the need to have him playing the spoons. Brad compares his performance to his reading Matt Smith’s Pandorica monologue. Andy appreciates the characterization of the dwarves. He asks what the listeners think will be in the second and third movies. Rainey writes in on our Facebook page, and sees the pacing issues. Andy hasn’t seen it in 3D, and Brad and Christina bring their review.

Andy takes his leave and Richard and Nick take his seat. Nick talks about how his favorite Doctor Who credit sequence belongs to the Pertwee era. Christina shares her Ritz Rollo treats. Brad brings up the question of alternate Doctor/Companion pairings. Nick takes on the defense of Adric. They discuss Love and Monsters, and Christina shares the Whovian conversion of her mom. Talk turns to Alex Kingston and John Barrowman in Arrow. As with all things, it comes back to Babylon 5.

Music this week is Mark Gunn’s “Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits”.

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By Brad

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