Welcome back to PodCulture!

Brad and Christina are watching Hell on Wheels and are loving Colm Meaney being…well, mean. The pair are thrilled that Transporter is back on, enjoying the weekly Bond-esque story. They’re looking forward to Arrow coming back and the appearance of Summer Glau. Castle is back and while Christina is glad to see Lisa Edelstein again, Brad finds the shark jumpage concerning. They’re happy the guilty pleasure of Duck Dynasty is back, and are anticipating Uncle Si in the Veggie Tales Christmas dvd. Having is back, and both are enjoying the new characters. Brad got Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing and they were madly in love with the festival of alumni. Adam talks about Nathan’s less than flattering interview about it. Longmire has finished up, but Hawaii Five-O will be back soon. Everyone’s looking forward Orphan Black. They understand why it was chosen to stay over Copper. Sleepy Hollow is a surprising success to the PodCulture Crew. Christina loves Clancy Brown and her surrogate James Callis. Brad puts the word out wondering about the return of Blue Rose in New Zealand. Christina’s Mom is becoming a Whovian, and is texting her with questions. Her aunt is watching the new James Spader series, The Blacklist.

Glenn is back for Geek Cuisine. He shares Pulparindo! Salted, spicy tamarind fruit bars, not only does it smell like catnip, they are right to fear the flavor.

Not only a bad Geek Cuisine, but Glenn gives us a Guilty Pleasure, with Dark Angel (aka I Come In Peace) with Dolph Lungren. A typical late 80’s sci-fi flick with tons of explosions and plot holes to sink a car in, it’s the story of an alien drug dealer come to Earth to mine human brain chemicals.

In final thoughts, Christina asks for good audiobook suggestions and what the listeners got as their free book. Glenn chose On Writing by Stephen King and Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. Adam wants us to go play GTA V, have an adventure and set a goal for yourself. Brad’s final thought is hoping to get a good job. He reads Tim’s review of S.H.I.E.L.D. Glenn puts in his TV and DVD talk, including Doctor Who and Torchwood. They discuss Vampire Diaries and The Originals, plus the upcoming American Horror Story.

Special thanks to musical artist Kirby Krackle for their trio, Can I Watch You, Taco Night and Great Lakes Avengers.

Extra special thanks to Audible.com. As a PodCulture listener, you can click the link on our site and get a 30 day free trial to explore the over 100,000 audiobook titles and choose one to download for free. With apps for every phone, computer and tablet, you can take your library with you everywhere. So click, download and tell us what you’ve chosen!

By Brad

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