Welcome back to PodCulture!

We are one Adam short this week. Glenn opens with coverage of the Kentucky Derby, including the Despicable Me blimp that wasn’t. He is catching up with tv just in time for season finales and tweaking his Kickstarter program. Brad bequeaths Glenn with a gorgeous Iron Man decal from Decal Mike. The boys discuss the frequency of washing cars, and Christina hasn’t been up to much. Brad is still pounding the pavement for a good job. Christina and Brad talk about Game Night with Justin and Adam and friends. They’ve got their tickets to () booked after playing Cards Against Humanity. Brad wants Rainey to make a PodCulture expansion pack.

The trio has a not so Guilty Pleasure this week and it’s the animated feature, Superman Unbound. Brad and Glenn give an overview of the story, with actors including a beautiful pair from Castle and Walternate, John Noble. Glenn would like Brainiac as Clark’s nemesis on the big screen and talks about the pre-order/pick-up process at Best Buy. Everybody is excited about the next animated film, Flashpoint.

The first part of Geek Cuisine is a reprise of the Bubblegum Peeps. Christina entreats the audience to help her find Lemonade Peeps. Still in the happy land of marshmallows, they enjoy Jet Puffed Mallow Bites Chocolate Brownie Marshmallows.

Still in the comic shop, the boys discuss Injustice: Gods Among Us. Brad picked his UK Collector’s Edition for the PS3, and regales the adventure of geeking across borders. They discuss the Steven Amell alternate Green Arrow skin and Brad lists off some of his favorite aspects of the game.

In closing, Glenn talks about relaunching his zombie Kickstarter project at www.FandomOutfitter.com and Brad talks about the perks of Google Play’s new Music app.

Music includes The No No Facebook App App Song by Power Salad and Nerds With Guitars with For The Record. The promo this week comes graciously from The Signal.

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By Brad

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