Welcome back to PodCulture!

We’re still Glennless, while Derbymania sweeps through the city.

We open this week with a family Geek Cuisine. Brad shares his great-grandmother Alma’s recipe for Purple Juice, a mixture of lemonade and grape juice. Adam gets adventurous and mixes a shot of the previously mentioned Four Lokos in his juice.

Brad starts this Geek and Tell segment with his “lucky” find of Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus for five dollars on blu ray. Christina spotted the combo dvd of The Expendables. Brad adds the first season of The Walking Dead to the shelf, as well as Tron and Tron Legacy. Everyone in the studio fondly recalls The Andy Griffith Show, and Brad has collected the second and third seasons. To torture people further, he buys another copy of RoboVampire. Brad is slowly but surely accumulating more volumes of Bill Willingham’s Fables series. Great thanks to the generous Nick for sending two books to Brad and Christina. She chose The Name of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss to start and Brad called dibs on the hardcover Peter and Max: A Fables Novel by Bill Willingham. Adam talks about the new Phantom full tower case he got for his computer from NZXT. He points out the voltage regulator, cable management and other awesome perks with the case. He got Crysis 2, and discusses the console versus PC issues. Brad talks about getting his mom a new computer for her birthday, and the adventure he has buying a new monitor for himself. Christina was just happy to find a skirt in time for Easter.

Christina chooses the second Geek Cuisine with Lindt’s Intense Orange dark chocolate bar with almond slivers. Adam picks New Tree’s Lavender Tranquility milk chocolate.

In closing, we apologize for The Adam and Christina Show. Adam asks you to watch America’s Being Human as well as Stargate Universe, if you can’t get out and enjoy the spring. He shows off his Jayne shirt from ThinkGeek as well as other great shirt sites like TeeFury, Qwertee, RiptApparel and Shirt dot Woot. Christina is thrilled with her Zerobriant Doctor Who shirt, and follows him for more upcoming! Brad wants us all to have fun no matter how you do it! Is there a segment that you’re tired of, or something you’d like to hear us talk about? Let us know!

Our gratitude to The DWO Who Cast podcast Thanks to Steve Goodie for his song, “What’s In My Hotdog”.

Special thanks to Audible.com! As a PodCulture listener, you can click on the link on our site and download a free audio book! You’ll have two weeks to choose from the over 85,000 titles with your free trial, so let us know what you pick! This week, Christina recommends Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

By Brad

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